Image: ©Fraunhofer ISE

The Vision

We believe that the conversion of modern societies towards a climate-neutral life in prosperity is possible. The sun provides the energy for this in excess. Our climate can only be saved if we use solar energy quickly and extensively. That is why we promote the technological implementation and dissemination of solar energy systems.


Image: ©Fraunhofer ISE / Foto: Dirk Mahler

Image: ©Fraunhofer ISE

Image: ©Fraunhofer ISE/Foto: Thomas Klink


Verein zur Förderung der Solaren Energiesysteme e.V.

We support applied research and development in this field with our impulses, our knowledge, our exchange and our financial resources.

The association „Verein zur Förderung der Solaren Energiesysteme e.V.“ was founded on March 25th, 2021 by former and active employees of Fraunhofer ISE.

These are the activities of the association:

  • it supports the exchange of ideas

  • it promotes training and further education

  • it provides non-material and financial support to research institutions

  • it promotes the practical application of the latest scientific findings

  • it honors scientific excellence in the junior field

  • it supports the alumni work of Fraunhofer ISE


In cooperation with Fraunhofer ISE, the association has been offering lecture events for its members and the public for several years in order to contribute to the implementation of the energy transition by imparting knowledge. Through many activities, it supports young people who are interested in and committed to a sustainable energy supply. Twice a year, a Master Student Award is awarded, which is endowed with attractive prize money. The association supports the doctoral colloquium at Fraunhofer ISE financially. Together with the association Solare Zukunft e.V. and Fraunhofer ISE, the program ‘Energy researchers as guests in schools’ was developed for 9th and 10th grade students in Freiburg. Prepared experiments are carried out in a double lesson, young energy researchers report on their work and answer the pupils' questions.

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